When I officially started my retirement on 1st June 2015 it was also the first day after half term so there was a feeling of being on holiday whilst everyone else returned to works. So what was I up to? Looking back I was painting the second coat of the conservatory ably assisted by Katie and Millie (my two
So, perhaps, its time for some reflection. What has happened over the past year?
- Well, sadly, Katie has passed away but Daisy has bounded into our lives and turned everything upside down.
- The conservatory, bathroom, kitchen, lounge, hall and bedroom are all decorated with the final two rooms due to be completed by the end of the summer. The joy I get from walking into my new lounge still continues - nearly a year on!
- The mortgage has been paid off!
- I get to sew most days - in fact some would say that I am obsessed with it! Not me, however, although plastic boxes may just have taken over my life!
- My blood pressure is normal every time that it is measured.
- But more importantly it is the doors that have opened up due to the free time - running the craft group, having time for friends and developing new friendships, the freedom to visit family and friends outside of normal school holidays - even the senior screen every Tuesday.
Stepping off the work roundabout is scary - but it has worked for me and I am having a whale of a time. Now it just feels like my normality - not an extended holiday anymore.
As for my goals - well the weight loss is only halfway there but I have nearly made the walking target. However I will continue - as will this blog - now, I couldn't let my mother down now could I?