Sunday, 23 October 2016

They say that things come in three's - don't they?

In August, you may recall, we nearly killed ourselves putting on a paper festival in church.  We consoled ourselves with the thought that next year is a fabric festival so we would be able to create things throughout the year and it would not be so "full on".  Me being me, I didn't then connect the August bank holiday weekend with my brother's wedding which is being held - yes you've guessed it - next August bank holiday!  Ah well you prioritise and the fabric festival is now in 2018.  This morning I woke up to a message from Sewingbuddy - the art holiday ( that I had been carefully saving up for and was quite chuffed with myself for doing so - I am not a natural saver) has been moved from June to August - guess when?  Yep the bank holiday weekend!  I am just about to bury myself under a heap of duvets and hibernate - let me know when its all over will you?

Today was our church's Lily Service.  We take the nearest Sunday before All Souls day and invite people to donate a lily in remembrance of a loved one who has passed away.  Their names are then read out in the service.  It's a lovely service and one that many people look forward to.

Once home and lunch eaten, it was back to the grindstone of Christmas presents.  I can report that three more have now been completed - which makes 5 out of the 7 pledged.  It just goes to show what you can do when you are focussed!  It was also a lovely opportunity to take the dogs for a walk in the autumnal sunshine.

The last two Christmas presents require a sewing machine - and we all know how much I like my hand sewing in the evening - so I will need to sort some out before nightfall!

1 comment:

  1. Always the way isnt it! Am sure you will be able to something just as lovely another time.
