Let's start with last night - having mastered the art of climbing onto the sofa, Daisy has now developed another skill - fetching and retrieving a tennis ball - hours of endless fun! I did, however, manage to get all the 12 days of Christmas embroidered and ready for backing.
Next on the agenda was the weekly senior screen visit. Today's viewing was "Joy" - an uplifting true tale of one woman's struggle to become one of the USA's most successful home shopper distributer after designing a wonder mop. Afterwards it was a quick visit to Boyes to buy the fabric for the bunting before heading home to the delights of such activities as cleaning out the fridge - oh the joys of my life!
This evening is my weekly patchwork class and I really should have devoted time to sewing the colour blocks. Instead I am afraid that I spent time decluttering my sewing machine case - I had lost a "foot" inside the bag and it seemed to be a good chance to clear it all out. Let's just say that I should have chosen the activity before Daisy learnt how to jump up!
Good news on the BP! Those numbers have always been a mystery to me!