Thursday, 29 September 2016

Day 4 - now they're multiplying!

So - last night and Shakespeare's Cymbeline.  It was a good performance of a confusing play with at least three different storylines - all becoming clear in the last scene.  On the positive I am now educated and could tell you the brief outline, on the negative I don't think that I would rush to see it again.  Mind you Wendy only nudged me once when my snoring got too loud!!

Today the gardener turned up with a friend in tow - the friend was deputized to make concrete all day long and to carry all the paving slabs around the back.  They undoubtedly got on a lot quicker but I am struggling to see how they will have finished by tomorrow!  They still have to buy soe gravel for the back garden and its now heading towards 5pm!

Today was another sewing fest - well, this morning anyway.  I started with The Blue Project and completed the 6 parts that I talked about yesterday.  That means that I have completed step 2 of a ten step process!  Meanwhile I then set to sewing the curved pieces that I so lovingly pinned yesterday.  Then I pinned some more, then sewed them.  In all I have completed 34 pieces - not too shabby until you realise that I have to do a total of 168!! So that would be 20.2% completed then!  I wouldn't mind but we have a two hour lesson every fortnight (the others have 3 hours every fortnight) and our class is already ahead of the others doing this project.  Why am I killing myself to get these done before the next class then?  Well, Wendy and Trisha will have completed theirs by the next lesson and I don't want to be left behind - you know how competitive I am!

This afternoon was a WI committee meeting - with truly divine home made coconut macaroons courtesy of Carine - followed by a lovely sunny walk with the dogs at the beach.  Can you tell that the diet is not going great at the moment - my only excuse is the lack of sleep and painful leg means that I am not as focussed as I should be.  However the meal plan has been made and I am trying to keep away from temptation! 

Tonight I have a date with an ironing board and some more pinning to do.  I also promised Sewingbuddy that I would design a cover for the ScanNCut machine so will do some drafts tonight with a view to making the cover tomorrow - something totally different to the projects that have been dominating the past two days,


  1. You are certainly one dedicated quilter!!
    Looking forward to seeing the garden :)
    Diet???What diet??? Must be something in the air,mine has fallen by the wayside too!
