Saturday, 25 February 2017

Could it be, could it possibly be?

Today was a Scamblesby sewing day and my self imposed deadline for the quilt.  I arrived early and quickly settled down to the task - trying to focus although I was distracted by the croissants, lunch, lots of talking and demonstrating English Paper Piecing which was needed for the next bonus block.  By the end of the day I just had one seam to sew on the machine and three to hand sew - before adding the binding - that was until I turned it over to show the others- and spotted the mistake- grrrrrr.  Ah well, that's tonight's work sorted and the deadline has now been officially moved to Tuesday night!!

As ever there was a variety of projects being completed - from bag making to hand sewing, from block making to waste bag gluing!

On the way home I popped into Aldi and paid by cash.  I was given a new £5 note with a code that started with AM.  I don't know whether you were aware of the story but an artist engraved quotes from Jane Austen onto 4 £5 notes making them valued up to £50000.  Three have been found but one is still at large - all notes started with AM at the beginning of their code.  If you don't hear from me tomorrow then you will know that I have found the fourth one!!


  1. WHAT!!!!!!!! How amazing if it hurry and tell!

    1. its not - sadly - the code has to start with AM32 and mine is AM52 - ah well, it was but a dream!

  2. I thought it had to have Jane Austen picture in the clear bit?
