Having said that I woke up to Katie barking - at a shocking 5:15am. I tried to get back to sleep - only to be woken by the refuse collectors collecting the garden rubbish. (Darn it - forgot to put the bin out last night!) However I then put the time to good use by running up this small waist bag to carry the personal DAB radio that I use when walking the dogs. My old bag was falling to bits and not big enough for the radio plus house keys. The bag even has an inner ribbon ready to sew a lobster claw swivel hook onto to make extra sure that my keys are safe.
A large part of this blog was to track my efforts to get fit and lose weight - hence the two trackers at the top of this page. Thursday is my slimming world weigh in day so I stepped on my own scales this morning (yes I know I shouldn't but if I measured myself last Friday on mine then I will know the weight loss for the purpose of the tracker). Wow - what a good start - 5lbs gone - 5% of target achieved just by eating healthily - fruit salad and yoghurt for breakfast, feta cheese, pomegranate seeds and couscous salad for lunch and meat and veg for tea. Yes I know that this is mainly water but I will take the head start!
In terms of the walking challenge (hence the need for the new bag) I have set myself the target of walking 365km further in the year than I would do normally - ie not counting normal dog walks etc - making an effort to go on longer walks. Living in Lincolnshire there are numerous walking leaflets published with a variety of distances from 2 miles up to 17.5 miles. I have listed them in order of length and will aim to try a new walk each week. Who knows - maybe I will have to increase the target! My first planned walk is on Monday around the new sea bank at Donna Nook. I believe that its around 5 km and want to do a baseline time to see how I improve.
The second item in the photo is the start of a millifiori quilt. There is a long way to go - its all hand sewn - but its a good "in front of the tv" project.
By the way - the title of this post? As I was about to walk out of the door to go to school Chris Evans played "One Day More" from my favourite musical Les Miserables. How apt!
Loving the sound of that lunch! Sounds like exciting days ahead!