Friday 27 November 2015

Normal service is resumed!

So - I had the day all to myself.  Loads to do - and the time to get things done. 

First up was nearing the end of the penultimate Christmas present.  This would take me all day - and there is still one final job to be completed - but I am pleased with the final piece of work and hope that the recipient will like it as well.

In-between working on this project I managed to sort the washing out, tidy around the kitchen and make a pastry-less pork and egg loaf.  As expected, slimming world did not go well last night - and, given my activities over the weekend, will need all the help that I can give it this week!  I would show you a picture but its a little, erm, crisp!

I would have achieved more if the two marriage certificates that I had been waiting for had not arrived - you can certainly lose yourself in Ancestry!  We are trying to solve a family mystery as to why one side of the family seem to be living in a house belonging to another side of the family - at a time where they appear to have no family ties - that only came later.  The house was allegedly sold in 1926  but the family were being married from there in 1938 - its all very confusing!

Tonight is the book club's Christmas meal - being retired means that this is, essentially, my works Christmas outing!  I will try to take photos before they lose all sense!  But please be warned - the blog will be published later tomorrow and Sunday - due to my hectic social life.  I don't want to big this up too much but I am REALLY looking forward to this weekend!!


  1. Enjoy what sounds like a lovely weekend Lynda! Christine x

  2. Hope you are taking photos of all these pressies.....then show us in the New year . Enjoy the weekend.
