Monday 25 July 2016

Phew - what a day - its madness here!

Let's start with last night and the airbed.  It was the most comfortable airbed that I have ever had.  Sadly I did not get much sleep, however - the room upstairs is warm and faces a different way so is more noisy than my bedroom.  My mind was also going nineteen to the dozen - about nothing really - just silly things like how to make mum a bag for her walking frame etc.  Consequently I heard the start of the dawn chorus - and was then woken up by Dad's dog Maisie who was moaning and whining whenever she heard them move - at 6am!  Being the kind daughter that I am, I got up, made a coffee and then took all three dogs into the garden with the radio on my phone.  It was a beautiful morning and one to cherish!

The next piece of excitement was that I managed to find a scrap of the missing yellow fabric and so finished another block - that's reduced the count to 15 now then by August 4th! (errrr - 10 days then!)

I am starting to think about the garden now that the house is nearly finished and am exploring the idea of a "she cave".  Today, therefore, was the start of making way for a patio to be laid and picking the right "cave".  Dad helped the venture by constructing a new shed for the lawn mower etc (I tried to give instructions but that didn't work - apparently the washers were important!)

Meanwhile Mum watched on whilst she sat and rolled newspaper - long story but she is constructing a coffee table for the church's paper festival.

My job?  Well I started to clear out the summer house - moving small tools to another store, filling bags for the tip and listing anything of use on the freely given facebook site for our area - including the actual summer house!  Yes - I had plenty of takers with someone coming on Saturday morning to dismantle it and take it away - along with anything that I might want to take to the tip - what an offer!

After going to the tip ourselves, and then a quick visit to the shops, I think it's fair to say that we are all tired and should sleep well tonight!


  1. Grandma has a walker!!!
    Shame about the short night, maybe tonight will be better.
    Glad to see you are keeping everyone busy!
    Phew on the yellow fabric

  2. Dad constructed a new shed - just like that - wow!!!
