Sunday 21 August 2016

Groundhog day


Well - not exactly but, with the paper festival starting a week today, I  beginning to feel that every day is focussed on the same point!!  Today I managed to finish wall papering the armchair before moving on to complete the paper cushion - not so bad if I do say it myself!  I have stuffed it with toilet roll and I think that its quite effective.  Notice the wonderful rocking chair that sets it off!

Then there was a call from Michelle - I am at church now - so I popped some things into the car and popped round - I will need several journeys to take all my props around so daren't waste one.  Just as well - I walked in to see Michelle holding a long paper streamer thing and asking me to hold the ladder whilst she fixed them up - I am sure she wouldn't have gone up without someone at the bottom of the ladder but ................  As it was she did one side - and then Ian, the gardener walked in so he did the other side for us!

After chewing the cud for a while I came home and made a start on putting together all of those flowers that we folded at book club.  All of these took two hours just to make up!!  It's not quick this paper festival lark!  On the plus side, however, I have thoroughly road tested my craft table - it is the right height and length to do my work and I can catch up with the soaps on the computer whilst I work.  It's just a shame that I haven't moved the sewing machine in yet - but I will!

I must admit to not having slept well last night so, had a lost hour in the conservatory (where Daisy seemed to think it great fun to jump on and off at irregular intervals) before completing the day by spraying the inners of kitchen towels to make gold legs for my armchair.  My hope is that the chair can then be taken around to church tomorrow and that I can begin to make a little sense out of the chaos that is my house!  Today, for example, I cleared some newspaper scraps left over from the paper mache and the sides of the box cut down for the armchair - let's just say that the grey recycling bin is now half full and the conservatory is still choc full of paper, tubs and boxes!!

Tonight?  Well I am beating that well worn drum towards my embroidery.  It is so much quicker with two eyes!


  1. I had to take a double take at the chair then!! Made of paper?? Surely not??? OOOOOHHHH ...its the cushion I am supposed to be looking at!
    Very well done indeed.
    Hope we get to see lots of lovely pics at the end of it all!

  2. It's all looking good!! Can't wait for the complete
