Monday 13 March 2017

House buying is a frustrating business!

Today was the usual Monday Morning Gang (stayed the same - don't know how!), followed by the Textile Group.  The challenge, as I said yesterday, was to draw your own embroidery design and then sew it.  Carine was up for the challenge, whilst Ev and Jean drafted some ideas but were reluctant to start their final piece - preferring to do so at home.  Meanwhile Linda persevered with her tote bag - she had been borrowing a sewing machine on a long term loan but had to give it back so borrowed mine.

Next on the agenda was lunch at the local pub (sausage sandwich - mmmm) before the monthly WI committee meeting.  Somehow I have landed up with 4 jobs - how did that one happen?  Vice President, organiser of the raffle, birthday gifts and stand in secretary when necessary - can I go back to work now please?

The main event of the day was taking Mum and Dad up to see a house for the second time.  They say, don't they, that the second visit should be about head rather than heart.  Well, let's just say that, as I write this blog, we are awaiting news of an offer that Mum and Dad have placed - fingers crossed everyone!  More news and details when things are firmed up!!