Mum and Dad are coming up for a week today - they are continuing their house hunting adventures and celebrating their birthdays and wedding anniversary (it's going to be a busy week!) - so, guess what I have been doing today? Well, truthfully, the house wasn't too bad but you still want to give it a "lick and a promise" now don't you? With some time on my hands I also turned to Nigella for inspiration and made her banana bread with some browning bananas - its a lovely recipe and useful to use up odds and ends.
Whilst the oven was hot, I also tried a new recipe from John Waite who was on the Great British Bake Off - apple custard tarts - using just five ingredients. He said that they should look "rustic" and will be "adorned" with icing sugar before serving ( well, it hides a multitude of sins!). I have no idea what they taste like yet but am looking forward to trying them - they even include apple sauce which would please my cousin! Since it also uses ready rolled puff pastry it just couldn't be easier.
With the lovely smell of baking mixing with the clean smell of bleach - no what could be more inviting? I ask you! Ah well - I am off to do some sewing - it's much easier! Tomorrow it's the Textile Group and we are embarking on designing our own embroidery patterns. Since I did one for my summer holiday last year I am off to transfer it to fabric with my light box ready to go tomorrow. None of us are great artists but it is always good to push yourself - right?
Mmm they look delicious!