Friday, 9 June 2017

What a day!

Well, at 10:10 I received a text message whilst at the hairdressers - "We've bought a house!"  Needless to say the hairdressers felt as if they took longer than normal and I then hurried round to pick Mum and Dad up to go and get the keys.  Sally, the former owner , was a tad tearful when she passed the keys over but they had worked hard to get the place ready and had left a nice plant, card and chocolates, which I thought was nice touch.

After we had ceremoniously taken the Devonshire Primrose (remember that one?) in and placed it into the garden (it should be added that Dad chose to take a new bed bought for Maisie as his first item), we took time to look round and reacquaint ourselves - where will this go, where will that go etc.  Over the inaugural cup of tea (yes we had a kitchen bag with kettle, mugs etc) the inevitable list of jobs was started.  Tomorrow, with several members of the family over, the plan is to paint and freshen up the kitchen (we've already taken the curtains down to wash) and clean the rest of the house (it's not dirty but you always want to do it yourself now don't you?)  With the furniture arriving on Monday it seems to make sense to do these jobs tomorrow - even if it did mean a trip to B &Q for paint etc - and a return to the house to make sure that we were ready for tomorrow.

My Sister in law and nephew came over for a sneaky peak (he came in very useful when it came to taking down the curtains) and made a number of suggestions - pinching some elderflower heads to make cordial!

So, all in all, a good first day - with just a mountain of jobs ahead of us!


  1. Yah finally, Brilliant news. Really pleased for you, I know how much better it feels to have your parents closer (& mine were only 2 hours away). Looking forward to doing my bit on Monday, chief tea/coffee maker. Congratulations on your new home xx

  2. Great news!
    Must be a relief
    So pleased for them, hope they like and enjoy living in Lincolnshire.

  3. Its been a long road, but they got there in the end! Looking forward to seeing it! Happy cleaning and unpacking!
