So, today saw Mum and Dad's first house guests - my brother, Phil and his wife, Chris. They have a cockerpoo, called Penny, and another dog called Bonnie. With 5 dogs in the house - chaos reigned and Daisy took charge!!
Fortunately the weather had cleared up and so we were able to have coffee in the garden. It had been Phil's birthday a few weeks ago and I gave him a set of Dr Who biscuits - he was really pleased.
After a tour of the house and a walk up to the shop for a paper, it was then time for an alfresco lunch - complete with my home made lean corned beef quiche - mmmmmm! Now I am not saying that Daisy is spoiled - but she always seemed to be on a lap when I took a photo!
After lunch, and as the oldies started to flag, Phil and Chris came back to mine to walk the dogs up at the beach -and this is where my trouble started. As I opened the conservatory doors to let some air in , so a pigeon flew in and wouldn't go out - finally ensconcing himself on top of the radio and refusing to shift! As Phil returned, we followed the advice given last time and each held the end of a sheet to guide the bird out - but it didn't play ball - so I employed a cushion as extra "persuasion"!! We were so pleased to see the bird fly out!!
Tonight, we are all meeting up again for a meal at a local restaurant - the one we went to before that cooks the steak on the hot stone. Tonight I am trying out the tuna steak - mmmm
Lovely biccies again :) Ooo err to the pigeon, bet it looked as big as an eagle inside! When we were in the US last year it was all the craze to cook food on a hot slab of Himalayan salt. Have fun!