Today was another day out - this time a very interesting WI trip to a Lincolnshire Farm which excels in Rapeseed Oil production. Truthfully I didn't know what to expect - but there were a lot of women there from many different organisations! It was also Paula's first ever visit to a McDonalds - we stopped for a coffee but I don't think that she is too traumatised!
The presentation started with a talk, which required a more booming voice than the poor man had / microphone, followed by a visit to the "Big toys shed"!

Then it was time for lunch - so off we went to the local village hall where they had set out a veritable feast - all using rapeseed oil. Now, of course, I had to try something but didn't want to eat too much oil produce - not good for the waistline! So I took the ham out for some sandwiches, had two little cheese sandwiches (after scraping the butter off the bread) added some lettuce from home and then accepted the gift of some SW smoked salmon quiche from Paula - sorted! The others did come back from the buffet with attractive plates but I think that I made the right decision! Two pieces of Rhubarb and custard cake were then secreted into my bag for Mum and Dad to try tomorrow - well, I had paid for them!
Home time was welcome - Paula had kindly driven and I had the car to pick up with its new seat belt fitted! By now it was extremely hot but it was time to sort out the raffle / gifts and agenda (I have to chair the meeting tonight) for the WI meeting. It's all go in this house! I have also finished the Salted Caramel / lemon "cheesecakes" for tonight - they don't look to shabby now do they?
Mmmm they look lovely and the rhubarb and custard cakes sounds yum! Well done on being so good on the diet!