Today was earmarked for another fitness regime, designed to lighten my load. Well, some people may call it a shopping trip but, hey, I have walked nearly 10k steps today so it cant be too bad! I had set aside today to do my shopping for my forthcoming holiday and stepped forth (with Mum and Dad in tow) with a long list! It soon became clear that I really couldn't give my money away! First stop Boots - oh I had enough points to buy my bits for free! Next stop clothing - they either didn't have what i wanted (will order online when i finish this blog) or it had just (literally in one case) been reduced! Long story short, I have basically got everything I need (for the holiday and family wedding) in one trip - result!

At lunchtime I met up with Mum and Dad (having deposited my purchases in the car and picked up my pack up - you've gotta be prepared!). Dad had a very tasty looking sausage sandwich and Mum had a steaming bowl of tomato soup with bread and butter. You might think that either wold be candidate for the Waynetta label? Nope - I managed to eat my pack up (very yummy ham, egg, sweetcorn and lettuce salad) but then proceeded to pour my drink down me - gulp!
Needless to say the grocery shopping in M & S was a tad embarrassing!
Anyway home, via Mum and Dad's, and lawn cut - its now time to sort the purchases out and hang them ready for service - its been a fruitful day - but now I am off to finish it online!
Sounds like you will all need granny bibs soon! Nice to makes some savings for a change :)