Let's start with last night - our Book Club Christmas party. The mug rugs went down well and we all received lovely presents from Jenny -all personalised! The food was really nice - but not exactly slimming world!
Today was one of my Scamblesby sewing days - and an opportunity to get on with those last few presents. First up was some stocking filler coasters which will form part of a bigger gift.
Then was a heart that we were invited to make for our sewing teacher who is retiring at Christmas. I went for a design which utilises the selvage that we would normally throw away.
My final task of the day was to sew together three blocks for a charity quilt that our sewing group sends over (with others ) to Mali each year - everyone does a block and quilts it - then volunteers add the sashing to bring it all together.
Tonight is my monthly theatre duty selling sweets and ice creams and so I left early - to walk the dogs, prepare and eat tea and prepare for tomorrow. I have cooked some chicken thighs to take with me - although Wendy and I will indulge here, food when you get back onto the coach and face the 2 1/2 trip home is, in my humble opinion, essential. Cooked meat is both free on SW and filling so should see me straight! If I don't blog tomorrow night then you know that I am:-
a) shattered
b) spent up and embarassed to admit it, and
c) in a food stupor!!
Loved my mug rug. Thank you very much. Thanks again for sorting out the meal choices. Have a good week. Cx