Today was an early start - I woke up at 5:30am and, knowing that I had to be up and out of the house by 8am anyway, I made the ultimate sacrifice and got up. I guess that if this was a regular occurrence then the heating would be on by now! Having not been able to do my TAST stitching yesterday I sat and completed both stitches -
Barred chain and Alternating barred chain stitch - in other words the two brown chains here that look more like thorns / barbed wire to me - I guess that's where the name comes from!

So - why 8am I hear you say? Well it's school day - my Creative Textiles course where we are still experimenting with creating different surfaces and making marks on them. I was really pleased with my scrunched up paper and wax effects - but the bubbles were wonderful (I guess that you had to be there). Cue lots of mucky hands! We also got our sketch books and our homework is to stick these different examples into the books to create some form of directory. She has threatened that next week we will start sewing and trying to create some of these squares with fabric and sewing - oops!

Lunch was the homemade leek and potato soup with cottage cheese scones and, I must confess, a little nap. However then it was time to go and fill the car up with petrol before walking the dogs at the beach. I cannot believe how economical the car is - I have just put £20 of diesel in and the screen predicts that I can now do an extra 200 miles going at everyday speeds - that's 10p per mile! Equally I cannot believe this sunshine that we are enjoying - as I drive to and from the beach the harvest is being gathered in and I am presuming that the farmers are glad of the good weather
Dinner is
French Style Chicken with peas and bacon - a good, old fashioned standby which incorporates lettuce - don't knock it if you haven't tried it. I make it Slimming World style and I must confess that I am expecting a weight loss this week - although I haven't weighed myself at home! Apart from the wine yesterday (and then I didn't have tea because I still felt full from lunch) this week I have really tried.
Tonight? Well it's a church meeting with the Archdeacon - our Vicar is leaving and the meeting is to discuss the vacancy and what kind of replacement we would like advertising for. Since the existing person looks after 7 parishes for half the week and is agricultural chaplain for the other half then I guess its superwoman / man then!
LOL at superman/woman!
ReplyDeleteNow that was an early start! Sounds like it was worth it though.
Great news on the fuel bill.
Embroidery looks good, are you using a hoop now?
ReplyDeleteDinner sounds good too, let's hope it's good news at the weigh in this week.