Let's start, as usual, with last night. Happymum and co arrived safely and the house was quickly filled with cries of Daisy, Daisy. To say that she was a hit was an understatement - in fact I think that Teen 2 was reluctant to leave her today - knowing that the next time they saw her would be when she had just passed her first birthday!
Mind you I reciprocated the gift process with a box of the much sought after ginger nut biscuits! They were thrilled!
After an "out of the freezer" tea, we settled down for a chat and some tv - in fact, at one point, all five of us were on the internet on our devices - modern life eh? But being together in the lounge meant that Daisy could get more fussing with Teen 1 being able to take her turn in cuddling the pooch. (By the way I should point out that Millie was made a fuss of as well so that she didn't get left out!)
This morning was a leisurely breakfast of "flying saucers" (circular toasted sandwiches) and many more cuddles and strokes. Happymum and co left around 11 heading first towards Cambridge. Her husband bought a book of pictures taken over 100 years ago and, over the past few years, has been visiting the locations to see if he can recreate them (I'm sure there's a book deal there!) Apparently two of the pictures were taken in Cambridge and since they were passing by it seemed a shame not to stop.
After they had left, and after Daisy collapsed into her bed with exhaustion, I started to make the much awaited first block of the Splendid Sampler. You may recall that this is a year long challenge of 100 blocks - designed by over 80 different designers from around the world. There will be two blocks issued every week on a Sunday and a Thursday. Since I didn't have time yesterday I set to today.
After lunch it was time to head off to the doctors to have my leg dressing changed (only 2 more weeks she thinks!) before settling down in the craft room for some decluttering (again!) Today there was another charity bag in the post box so I have until Thursday to fill it - I think that I need more of a challenge than that! I even managed to give Happymum a full carrier bag of wool! How comes the room doesn't feel any emptier?
This evening will see me settling down for some hand sewing. the nurse congratulated me on keeping my leg up - but I have never been told to so now I have a legitimate excuse!
By the way - I can report that I have been 100% slimming World perfect this week - even eating my own meal rather than joining in with my guests. A little antisocial but I think that they understood! Today's intake has been beans on toast with a fried egg for breakfast, two slices of Weetabix cake, a small bag of haribo sweets, a strepsil sweet (sore throat but you have to count each sweet!) and a large egg and ham salad for lunch with a yoghurt for afters. Dinner will be steak and chips with veg followed by fruit salad and yoghurt with a nice Aldi chocolate covered rice cake. As I have said before slimming world is hardly starving yourself!
What a great whistle stop visit we had! Daisy was adorable and you are right, Teen Two definitely didn't like leaving her behind... all the way back we had "she's so adorable!" Thanks for having us and well done for sticking to the diet despite the visitors!
ReplyDeleteThe quilt looks as though it is going to be lovely. Well done on the diet.xxx