Tuesday 2 May 2017

From Elvis to Hitler in under an hour!

Today, being Tuesday, we headed off to the Senior Screen to watch "Denial".  We took Mandy, Jean's daughter with us and it was interesting to watch someone experience the Senior screen for the first time - offering to buy the free coffees, enjoying the free biscuits and not knowing where to get the free raffle tickets from (there aren't any tickets - if you are sat in the seat and row then you win).  The actual film was really good, all the more so since I can remember the court case and not understanding why someone would deny that the holocaust had actually happened.

After the film, it was the weekly supermarket visit and then home - or so I thought.  On the way home Carine rang me (darn that phone in the car) asking when a meeting about the Lincolnshire show was.  I thought that it was tomorrow but someone had turned up today.  Cue no lunch and a detour to Carine's house!  We were charged with coming up with an idea to depict an Elvis Presley song title - the display has to include an item of food, a craft item and a floral arrangement.  After much scratching of heads and google searches of lyrics and song titles, we have come up with a couple of ideas which we will pitch to the others on our small committee who couldn't make it today - before we decide.  As ever conversation flowed and I told them about the film - hence the blog title.

Home, a quick turn around to take the dogs out, and shopping unpacked all meant that we were fast approaching tea time and so today's lunch was abandoned.  Not to be recommended as a lifestyle but it won't hurt just this once.  Last night was spent cutting silhouettes out for my Tuesday night project so I feel the need for some embroidery tonight!

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