Monday, 6 July 2015

Today Matthew I want to be .............

First lets step back to yesterday and the biblical flood!  Who could believe that, in less that 24 hours we could go from a conservatory looking like this to today's weekly shots which look like this!  As you may recall we are playing the guess the difference each week to prove that I have taken new photos - anyone want to take a guess?

Last night I also managed to complete the bag started at the workshop.  I had to undo the decorative stitches at the top of the bag - there were just too many layers of fabric - but I am pleased with the final product.

So - its confession time.  At the workshop yesterday Lisa, owner of L & C,  asked if I would go in today for a trial.  For several family reasons she thinks that she will now need more staff and wondered if I was interested in two mornings a week as and when.  I said that I could be flexible but would need to be asked the week before since I make plans and often have commitments.  So today (10 - 2) was spent being a shop assistant.  I tidied, washed up, served the small handful of customers and cut fabric - and then stopped off at Pennell's for a piece of carrot cake and cup of coffee - I was shattered!  On my feet for 4 hours without a break!  However apparently I did really well and have excellent customer service - go me!  I also learn really fast - who would have thought?   I did pick up, however, this cutlery basket in Pennell's - now that the dresser is in the conservatory I am keeping some cutlery in the kitchen for ease of access.

I came home to the ridge tiles having been done but the bill was accompanied with a note of caution saying that my chimney had a crack down the middle and that the pot was loose - more expense!!

On the plus side I went out into the garden and picked my first raspberries and some mint for my tea - I am beginning to feel like some form of earth mother.

This week's challenge is in conjunction with my youngest brother who said that we should both go meat free for the week.  So today I had scrambled egg for breakfast, the piece of cake and am having minted lemon fusilli for dinner.  Day one sorted!

As for the rest of the day - is there any left?  Actually I have spent some time looking at some shelves in my bedroom and sorting out what to keep and what to  get rid of - the dustbin men are coming tomorrow morning so seems like a good time to do that job.


  1. Back in the land of the working class - how will you find the time!!

    1. I have no time - at least its not all day every day!

  2. A working lass again!! I bet you enjoyed it! I wouldn't mind those sorts of hours :)
    At least the extra pennies will go towards the extra expenses coming up.

  3. That's true! Mind you we haven't talked wages yet - I was too chicken to do it in public! It was good fun though - and I resisted buying anymore fabric - even though I was sorely tempted!!

  4. Anything will be money in your pocket and some socialising too! Aside from looking at all that lovely fabric!!

  5. Didn't manage to comment yesterday as we had visitors! Good to see the conservatory back to normal, I couldn't enlarge the picture so I haven't been able to spot the difference yet, but I will work on it and I am sure I will find it.
    Pleased to hear that you enjoyed yourself bring a working girl again!!! I just love the smell of fabric shops.
