Monday, 13 June 2016

Day 2 and the adventure continues

Well - last night was wifi gate - so many complaints, so little wifi access!  The trouble is we are all so used to phones, iPads etc that, with no phone signal and dodgy wifi connection, this is a real emergency.  However we are assured that the engineer is coming out today!

After a breakfast of fruit n yog, toast n jam plus a full English, we set off to Pickering for the morning.  There was a market on and some stalls made a good profit from us.  I also bagged a bargain in a charity shop - two lovely bits of fabric and no charge for one of them.  Coffee ( yes no cake - honest) was in my kind of cafe - filled with a lively range of crafts. I managed to bag myself a little goody or two for the craft room.

This afternoon we travelled on to a charming village - Thornton le dale - where there was a beautiful country cottage for people to sketch and paint. Me? Well i found the ice cream shop!  Fortunately the weather is holding out and it's pleasantly warm.  I also picked up a couple of ideas for future craft projects - if only there was time!

Tonight I have been partnered with a poor gentleman called John to play boules. I say poor - he has no idea how bad I am at such games!  We have all been allocated partners at random to make sure that we all integrate.  I will let you know about our failure tomorrow!


  1. Lovely pic of the colourful houses, well done avoiding do you do it! Good luck with the boules!

  2. It seems as though you are enjoying yourself. Love the cushion. You haven't mentioned the tooth so I am hoping that means its better.xxxx

    1. The teeth are getting better - taking the antibiotics but no pain

  3. Lynda is that you in the lovely pink with only one ice cream?
