Last December I started the £1 a week challenge - where you save £1 in week 1, £2 in week 2 etc. Of course that means that in the last month you need to find £49, £50, £51 and £52!! So I will admit to cheating a little and printing out the weeks - combining some of the larger sums with smaller ones to balance the savings. That being said, with just three months to go, I am pleased that I have continued with the challenge and will have amassed a reasonable sum for my cruise wardrobe next year! So, why the blog title? Well, today, I am embarking n a slightly easier savings challenge - the 1p per day savings challenge! ie 1p for day 1, 2p for day 2 etc. Doesn't sound too bad does it? However you will end up saving around £671 over the year - not too shabby! In this
link there are free printables to spread the load throughout the year - so why not jump on board and join me? If it all goes to plan then that's most of my summer holiday expenses taken care of next August!
Today started well -a trip to Tesco's for essentials followed by lunch at Mum and Dad's. They have gone on an adventure - their shopping trip to Meadowhall via the train (I am sure that Mum was as excited as we used to be on a school trip!) - so I stopped off at theirs to spend a bit of time with Maisie and let her have a comfort break or two.

After a stop off at home to store the groceries away, it was back off out again around to Jenny and Ruby's to try to finish the tops we started yesterday. I had taken the spare fabric home to create some bias binding but, truthfully, one of the fabrics just wasn't playing ball so I will admit to buying some this morning! Ruby had made some cookies from my cookie mix - so I just had to taste one (out of politeness of course!) They were, erm, gorgeous!!
The tops still have to be hemmed but Ruby has done a good job with them - and has added some embellishments of her own - it was an afternoon well spent! I should add that the "tail" will disappear - we added a vent at the back which turned into a pleat!
Excellent idea to save the pennies and what a great job you both did with the top!