Let me explain. I had scheduled today for my hairdressers visit - and treated myself to another nail manicure. Knowing that I was out and about, Mum asked me to pick up one or two last minute essentials -yeah, right! Let's just say that I left home after 8am and arrived home about 3:30pm. On the way here were thwarted attempts to park in overfull car parks, wrong widths of ribbon and long discussions re the type of clips to use - just don't ask .....but, hey, everyone should have such problems!
So, now I have Mum's dog here (I am taking all three to the kennels tomorrow morning) and she is whining because I am daring to pack!! The house needs another tidy up and hoover, I need to phone the house sitter and there are a couple of crafty items just waiting to make their way into what will be an overpacked car! Meanwhile I am playing with the new Satnav - trying to work out how to use it (my old one is so old that it regularly shows me driving across fields where new roads have been built!) Anyone think that I am displacing?
If I don't blog for the next few days it will be because the wifi signal is not good enough so please forgive me!
Have a good weekend, and hope all the hard work of the bunting is appreciated!