Don't you just love a "stay at home day"? Loads to do, of course, but the time to tackle the tasks!

First up was a gutting of the kitchen and deep clean -sadly I get such a satisfaction from seeing the shiny surfaces emerge. Just as well, really, since the next task caused me unlimited frustration. It's the commission that I am doing and, truthfully, I was putting it off in fear of ruining my progress so far. All I had to do was to use my sewing machine to embroider two words -Diamond Anniversary. Rather than my usual technique of rushing in and hoping for the best, I decided to sew the word Diamond on some scrap first - so that I could measure the length and centralise the word. Just as well since no matter what I did there was too large a gap between the first and second letter! Grrrr!! In the end I have gone for my preferred option - trace the letters and hand embroider it tonight. But the exercise showed me one thing that has been mulling around in my mind for some time - I
NEED another machine! So - I am going to just shove this out there - I
AM going to lose my 5 stone by 9th November - no questions asked - that's a given if I have anything to do with it. That then leaves me 6 weeks before Christmas so if I have lost 6 stone by Christmas (and that's after I put on with the sewing retreat!!!!) then my present to myself will be a new sewing machine - you have heard it here!!

The next task was to tackle medal number two. This time the challenge was to walk 5k - in one go -at some point during this current week. Well, with the sun up in the sky and the lovely breeze blowing, I thought - let's use today for the challenge. One very red faced walk later - not to mention Daisy finding every dyke going to jump in and out of -we made it!! Now I am just waiting for confirmation that they have accepted my evidence (I used"Map my walk" and took a screen shot) before I get my medal. This time the charity is for Kidney research and, since I only have one kidney, I thought it was a charity that I ought to support.
Once home, and after a late lunch, my thoughts turned, naturally, to some crafting. I embroidered the centre of this block several weeks ago but just couldn't get around to putting the borders on - well, today it was time to finish. There are still holly leaves and berries to attach by hand but we are getting there. It's the homework that I set the Textile Group - so I ought to do it myself!!

And the greengages? Well, at Slimming World, we were talking about them and I cannot remember ever having them. So when I spotted some reduced ones yesterday I thought - why not? Actually they are very pleasant and something that I would have again! Talking about SW, as we were, when I won the Slimmer of the week basket, there was a punnet of freshly picked blackberries so it is my mission, this week, to try and do something different with them every day. Last night I tried a recipe on the SW website - mixed berries floating meringue. Today I have rustled up a blackberry and apple summer pudding - picture to follow tomorrow (providing it manages to turn out ok!)
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