Today started out fairly normally - Daisy whining etc etc - and I had a day of tidying up ahead of me. What with going away for the weekend on Friday, and having Mum and Dad, plus their visitors for lunch tomorrow, the house needed a light going over. I say light - the house sitter had come in last week whilst I was away and tidied up for me so its rally just surface mess to sort (plus Maisie's endless dog hair of course!) Just as I was thinking of taking the dogs out, Mum rang - what was I up to today, did I fancy meeting up for lunch? Well, never one to pass up an opportunity, the answer was yes - just let me sort the dogs first. BIG mistake - Maisie found another pile to roll in - cue another hosepipe wash down and one "sorry for herself" pooch!

We met at the cafe that Wendy and I had gone to a couple of weeks ago, although the weather wasn't good enough to sit out today. I ordered a jacket potatoes with beans and cheese (there was so much cheese that I brought 3/4 home with me) and stuck to my bag of mini party rings with a coffee for afters - still on track (I am now 1lb away from my pre-holiday weight -sorted!). I have to say that the other three tucked into a lovely looking apple and blackberry crumble - two of them with custard!!!!!

However the conversation took a strange turn - "Did you see that Lynette Anderson pattern on facebook this morning?" Mum says (She has heard of Lynette Anderson because that's the workshop that I am going to this weekend but I didn't realise that she took that much interest!!) "Yes", I replied - "its lovely isn't it?" "Yes", she said," its gorgeous", with that dreamy look in her eyes. "Do I take it you want one for Christmas then?" I stupidly ask. "Well, I wouldn't be so presumptuous, but ...." she trailed off wistfully. I did point out that I had already made her present - gulp! For those people who don't know what I am talking about, I have included a picture. It would appear that I can order the pattern from Australia (its not as a PDF to download - some of the pages are A3 apparently) but I suspect that Lynette may bring some patterns with her on Saturday. Shall I just roll over and give in now?
Back home, and it was down to washing, ironing and tidying - all the jobs that I lurrve!

On a totally different note, and forgive me if I have already told you this, but I have "entered" a number of different walking challenges. the first one is fairly easy - just to give me an idea of how it works. I have to walk a minimum of 10 k in August ( as I write this I have already done 8.5km) and, when I have done that, upload a photo of my fitbit as evidence. In return the a charity will benefit from my entry money and I will receive this medal. I have tried to enter ever more challenging ones through Autumn - concluding with the 1000 miles in a year medal. I am a sucker for shiny rewards! I am hoping to upload the evidence before I go to bed tonight!
The next one will be the week beginning 14th August where, again, I have to do 10k in a week. I chose this because it supported kidney research and, as someone born with just one kidney, I thought that it would be appropriate to do so! The last challenge in August is on the 22nd August when you have to walk for 22 minutes in aid of the Manchester appeal. It should all add to the weight loss cause! If you are interested in doing any yourself then the site is
Virtual runner (but you can walk most of them!!)
You are a one for challenges!