Then came a visit to Doughty's where Julia spent over an hour deciding on the 4 pieces of fabric that she wanted and assigning the fabric to the design.
Once home, I drew it out to scale, worked out the sizes of fabric required for the background and made a template for the photos.
Today, now that the photos have arrived, they were scanned, cropped, enlarged and printed onto printable fabric - and then the template was used, along with an "add a quarter" ruler to give me the seam allowance, to cut out the diamonds and add a border to echo a frame. Finally the photos were needleturned onto the background - ready for the next stage (embroidery, heart applique and quilted). Truthfully, the best part of today was when I sent Julia a picture of the progress and to check the order of the photos - and got a wow almost by return. She did faff a little about the order of the photos - before settling back with my original design -ah well, that's our Jules!
Feeling somewhat tired, and fearing a mistake, I called a halt there and went to mow the lawn (the weather forecast suggests that there may not be many opportunities this week!), before heading on out to deliver the WI cake mixes before going to my parents with the train tickets I printed off yesterday and then onto the Theatre for my monthly volunteering. It's been a strange, yet satisfying, day!
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