Back home, a quick sort out of the dogs and then it was out again - this time to Tesco's for some shopping (I had planned the weekly menu around the contents of the freezer but there is always something that you need to add). I had hoped to complete the shopping in Tesco's but, of all things, could not find chicken livers - and so stopped off at Morrison's (where, of course, other "essentials" jumped into the trolley!). Then it was on to Slimming World where, as hoped for, I lost 2 pounds. That means another 1 1/2 lbs (the weight of my clothes) is needed for the official 5 stone celebration - but I can smell it - it's that close!
Tonight I am planning on sorting out my Lynette Anderson blocks of the month ( I am way behind) to see what embroidery is required. I also want to clear my craft room desk completely - I have some church paperwork to start tomorrow and a clear desk (which happens on VERY RARE occasions) helps the thinking process!
Mousey pin cushion is looking cute, this time next week you will be showing us your certificate I am sure!