Today, being the grey and cold day it was, Mum and Dad suggested a drive over to our favourite garden centre - just to see if there were any more bargains you understand! After we were fortified by our coffee (and sw bars for me of course), it was off bargain hunting. By the time we met up at the tills, Florence had jumped into my trolley - along with a couple of shoebox items and some seed potatoes ready to start chitting. Potatoes were the only crop that I grew completely successfully last year so I am hopeful this year. I also picked up another holiday top - this time, a loose flowing cotton top ready for all that Croatian / Italian sightseeting!

On the way home we stopped at another cafe for lunch (bacon bun - wholemeal bread, no butter since you ask) - I never get used to this feeling of freedom whilst others are working!

Back at my house, it was time to finish preparing for tomorrows sewing weekend -more measuring and cutting, embroidering a front panel for the bag and sorting out the sewing machine. I am hopeful that this bag will work out well, but am trying desperately to put off starting!
Today was also another benchmark - I have reached my century of stair climbing - which is the equivalent of higher than two Big Bens -stood on top of each other . It all adds up now doesn't it?
Love Florence...and two cafes in one day!!! Wow, how the other half live!