Today was one of my rare "stay at home" days and I had a project in mind. Sadly I can't say anything about it for a couple of months .... but all will be revealed. All I can say is that I wanted to time myself making it. With that in mind - what did I do first? Well, naturally, I tidied the lounge, then I tidied the kitchen, then I stripped the bed etc etc - seriously - what is wrong with me? I hope that this sudden onset of domesticity isn't catching!!
Eventually I cut all of the pieces for the project out ........ and then took the dogs for a walk- boy was it cold and wet -and the wind!!!!!!!! Let's just say that the kettle went on as soon as I got home.
When I started the project (and the timer) I wanted to give it my full attention! Suffice to say I am pleased with how it turned out - although, yet again, the instructions could be a lot clearer!! As for the time - well, one hour, 18 minutes, 36 seconds (approx) plus a few minutes handsewing! Not that I counted of course- but a girl has to check now doesn't she?
With more embroidery items to trace, and a fire to light, I think that my day is complete. Oh no - I forgot - the bed has to be made !! Darn this domesticity lark!
Lovely bag and isn't it annoying when you forget you stripped the bed!