I had been due to go to the cinema today to watch the new Hugh Jackman film but, with Jean being poorly, we have deferred that until next week. So today was some form of extra gift! What to do with all of this free time? Well, the decorations continued to be moved upstairs and packed away (tomorrow I will enter the loft!!) and so this entailed more stair climbs (even though it felt much more of an effort today!). Once the lounge was clear, I then set to with the polish and hoover - returning the overdecorated room to normality - and allowing the room to breathe in the process! It also allowed me to sit down and watch "Biggest Loser - Australia" on sky - well, its motivational after all! However this was the first and the trainers spent a week in the contestants' houses - wowzer - the food consumed was eye watering - one chap had a whole box of cereal every morning followed by a tub of ice cream - for breakfast!!
Next up was a sort through of everything that I needed for the sewing project at Scamblesby this weekend. We are attempting to make a bag called the "Ultimate Carry All Bag" - we have had this pattern for some time but have been frightened of tackling it! I have most things but need to source one item and then machine embroider a front panel.
I braved the beach at lunchtime - thank goodness people are returning to work and so the beach can be enjoyed without the hoards of seal visitors again (although it did help that it was both raining and freezing cold!!) - before settling down for some homemade soup and afternoon tv (and, perhaps, another snooze!). As I said, this has been one of those deliciously lazy days!
Sewing wise, I am currently working on some Christmas presents (I know, I know) which involve some hand embroidery -so no pictures. I just didn't want you thinking that I had stopped sewing!!
Look after those knees now!