Well - that's what it feels like - doesn't it? Today is the usual Monday routine. First up was the Textile Group where some of us had moved onto the second project -a Lynette Anderson spool holder. I had made the original one last year and LOVE it! However I have that many spare spools that I needed a second one - and so am constructing one using patchwork hexagons rather than the embroidery version. It should be a quicker construction - one hopes! Talking about spools, we have sourced some from a local company who are able to make them a little cheaper - so I have stocked up! At this rate I will need a third spool holder!

Home and it was a phone call to "Mucky Mutts" to see if they would take Maisie on for me. She is a lovely dog and has a really shiny coat - but she doesn't like being groomed by Dad and, therefore, has clumps of fur hanging down - a matted coat is never good for a dog! Dad has agreed (providing he doesn't have to take her and watch the process) that I can take her for a short visit to see how she gets on - so I have made the appointment for Friday lunchtime - ironically after Daisy has been groomed! I also managed to layer up (just need to put some tacking stitches to give it extra hold) my designed wall hanging. It has got a little large - and I needed to iron some fixing tape to join two pieces of wadding! Every time I think about getting rid of this large table in the conservatory I remember how useful it is for large projects!
By now, it was time to head on out for Slimming World. As it happened, I managed to lose 1.5lbs - although I wanted another couple for my efforts, I have to be resigned to this being one of those weeks where my body just didn't want to lose weight - I have certainly tried my best! I did, however, win the raffle and now have a very full fruit bowl - including a grapefruit - something that I enjoy but rarely buy. I also managed to drop a couple of raffle prizes off at the local pub - they are holding a fund raining event for the church but I can't go since it's a "pudding evening" where you eat three puddings - far too tempting (even for "treat night"!!). Mind you - I then came back to a package from an online clothes company with some items for the cruise in it - they were all two sizes smaller than I started off with - and fit perfectly (although it won't be long before I need the next size down) so all of this effort is certainly worth it!
As you will see on the tracker, my total stair climbs since 1st January is now 412 - the equivalent of climbing Scarfell Pike - just saying!
Well done all round!