Skip:- this morning has been a gloriously sunny morning - one to give you a spring in your step (skip?) and so I tacked the housework before finally tacking my designed wall hanging (let's just say that this project has grown somewhat and would now cover a double bed with ease!! I am having withdrawal symptoms from not using my sewing machine this week - so I am planning to be ensconced in front of it tomorrow after church! I even got round to washing down the wall but the front door - Daisy seems to think that she's helping me remove her lead if she stands on her hind legs and rests on the wall - but after a muddy walk? It's not a good look I can tell you! Talking about walks - we went up to the beach - but, at this point, I underestimated how cold it was and didn't wear my hat and gloves - BIG MISTAKE!
Jump:- Craftwise, I managed to cut another couple of retreat bag kits and prepared some sewing to take to the theatre tonight - yes, its another ice cream selling time. This month I have done two stints - one of them was as a favour to the organiser. It works out okay - I can't do my turn next month so will enjoy my time off! Of course I may not get time to sew - it all depends on how long the first half is! I also put a new mattress topper on the downstairs bed -trust me, by the time you have a deep mattress and then a luxury bed topper, you really want to "jump" into bed - it is soooooo comfortable!
I also received a nice treat in the post - my personalised cruise booklet - complete with luggage labels and the all important "dress code". Most of it was as expected - formal / smart casual i the evening etc - but then they threw in a curve ball. One of the nights is, apparently, a theme night! The theme? Well, "tropical", since you ask. The only thing that I have that meets that criteria is a top I bought over a year ago - I will try it on but suspect that it won't fit anymore. Another shopping trip me thinks! he he he!
Have got a flower leis if that's of any help!
ReplyDeleteI might take you up on that one!