As we walked around the village, I picked up my dogs (others had taken theirs but I wasn't sure whether we could or not) and we continued walking - in the end it was nearly three miles (and I wasn't the last to finish - I didn't know that I was so fit!). Mind you I did take a rest when I got home - a cuppa and time with the jigsaw - finishing it at last!!
Lunch was some lovely warming butternut squash and sweet potato soup (by which time I will confess to stiffening up and therefore enjoying an afternoon nap!) . After my, erm, gain yesterday I am determined to have a 100% week and Susan (the consultant) has agreed to give me grief if I don't lose this week!
Ever one for milking the situation, I then used my "sitting own time" to clear the desk in the craft room - honestly even I can't find a thing!! Mind you - I came across some "treasures " so it was worth it!! Daisy tries to hide cutlery under her bed so a quick shake down whilst I swept the room revealed this week's stash!
But then I moved on to focusing on the upcoming cruise. Trisha, Julia and I are meeting up on Friday to discuss the final details so I wanted to check details such as the time of my parking spot at the airport, reservation details to take with me to the agent on Friday etc. I also need a clutch bag for the smart evening functions and started to look online to buy one. However I then came across a cute pattern and thought - why not make it yourself? So, this afternoon, I spent some time cutting it out and preparing it. Gee another sewing project to add to my list!!
All that's left to do is to make tea, cook a "scan bran" cake whilst the oven is on and then to make some oat pancakes to have for dessert with sliced banana, thick yoghurt and drizzled chocolate. It's life in the fast lane for me!!
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