Well - clearly I am 318 days early (yes I did check that one out!) - but tonight is our WI Christmas meal. Last year it was held in our local pub but the WI has outgrown that venue and so we are going to a local golf club. We each take a present and it is swapped via a raffle ticket system - hence the blog title and my first task of the day - to wrap the present up and find a gift bag for it.
After all the excitement of the past few days, it is natural to have a few "down days" to recover and it is really nice to have time to get back on top of washing, housework etc. That being said my morning was interrupted by a church meeting to discuss what we needed to send to the local village magazine. Every month "Communication" is delivered to every house in the village telling them about different events etc. We meet to ensure that the services / fund raising events etc are sent for printing in good time.
After lunch I set to cutting out fabric pieces for my quilt - do you remember? I am trying to design my own quilt - and it's harder than you might think. Already I have had to change the sizes of some pieces and then re cut!! Ah well - at least I have remembered to make a note of the sizes so, if I ever do decided to release the pattern, I will have the correct sizes!!
After, er, an extended snooze, I suddenly found that it was getting gloomy outside - on the grounds that this face needs a lot of work, I suppose that it's time to start getting ready and glammed up eh?
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