Today I woke up to the expected snow - more had fallen over night and, for a time, we had a real blizzard going on. It's a good job that I sent my apologies to my sewing class last night! Mind you - 30mins after I would have set off they cancelled the class anyway! So, what's a girl to do with the free time? Well - fear not, I never have to worry about that one - I just have to answer the phone when My parents ring!

The fist call came around 9am from Dad - he wanted to answer the nagging query - when did his Dad buy their house - before or after he got married? Could I try ad find out for him? Eventually i settled on applying for the title deeds of he property and so we completed the application form and they paid (we should know in a couple of days). With that problem out of the way, I then settled to some Christmas present making and free motion quilting in the freezing conservatory. Meanwhile the girls kept going in and out of the garden - loving playing in the snow.
All in all it's been a productive day, if rather cold. Even as I write this post, the snow is coming down again - falling nicely where it had started to thaw and will, no doubt have frozen - therefore making it leather tomorrow. Last night I saw a piece on the One Show where a community nurse was visiting a lady to change her wounds and the lady said that she hadn't been out of the house for two years so these visits were her lifeline to the outside world. After nearly three days at home I can see how I would soon go stir crazy!
As for mum's conservatory update...................... they dug out two trenches yesterday for the footings and planned to return today. For some reason they didn't arrive!
Feel free to send some of the white stuff down here! Intrigued as to all the family history digging!