With nothing in the diary I had already decided to focus on some Christmas presents (only 260 days to go!!). I have been working on aspects of them for a while so it was lovely to set aside a larger block of time to start completing them. Clearly there are no photos - but I am happy with the progress!
I also managed to applique my March Gail Pan embroideries and cut the background down to size. It was a "phew, just in time" moment - the next embroideries are due out at the weekend and I am trying my best to keep up! If they are suitable, then I am planning to take the new embroideries with me on the cruise as a "mini project" - I have dreams of stitching under the sun! Watch them come back incomplete!!
The other task for today was a continuation of this month's focus on the kitchen. This week I want to go through every cupboard and sort / tidy / discard!!!! Well, one cupboard at a time at any rate! Let's face it - you empty one cupboard, create a mess and then have to find a way of getting it all back in again! Even I can only stand so much!
Tonight? Well, I ought to do my Spindle Cottage homework but then I will make a start on my waistcoat back - not long now to that cruise!!
I saw some Fat Quarters in Aldi on Monday. There were various designs, there was a fair amount of yarn in there too (I didn't buy any), Cathy x