Monday, 23 April 2018


Isn't it fitting that William and Kate welcome their third child on St George's Day?

On a more usual note, today has been the usual Textile Group, where we were working on finishing our retreat bags started last week, and Slimming World - where, I am afraid - the scales were not kind (think pre-holiday mode / water retention).  Ah well - taking the scenic route detour again!!

Squashed in-between was an emergency visit to Mum and Dad's to sort out his computer.  Why, oh why, do you need so many passwords, case sensitive and difficult to recall?  Dad had not been able to access his internet, and therefore his emails, because he couldn't remember a password set up years ago and the computer wouldn't allow him to change his password because it wouldn't accept the answer to his "prompt question" - grrrr!  Fortunately I managed to sort it out for him but it's frustrating!

Tonight will see more handsewing - following black outlines n dark green fabric is a tad eye-straining but needs to be done!


  1. Really frustrating indeed. In a museum shop last year, I saw a little "address book" which was specifically designed for storing passwords!! What a great idea I thought....but Hubby pointed out...if the book gets into the wrong hands they have ALL your passwords at their fingertips!!
