Monday, 16 April 2018


Today the Monday Textile Group met again after their Easter break - and the project was a retreat bag.  Since I was early, I took the opportunity to run up another toiletry bag for the stash.

However Wendy had come prepared and was able to nearly finish it - whilst Carine was busy cutting and prepping.

Meanwhile Linda was busy choosing her fabrics and starting the prep.

Home, for a few minutes, and it was time to book my tickets for The Festival Of Quilts - sadly the two workshops that I wanted were fully booked but I will look again to see if anything else takes my fancy!  Then it was round to the church to see the gardener, before popping into Mum and Dad's for a catch up - and then onto Tesco's for the weekly shop.  Phew - I was glad to get to Slimming World - if only for a sit down!

So - did I achieve my goal?  After just over a year - did I get my 5 stone award?  Of course I did!!  Did you ever doubt it?  Not only that but, with a weight loss of 4lbs,  I was slimmer of the week - so that was two shiny certificates for the wall!  With two weigh in's before I go on holiday (and put some of it back on! ) I would like to reach the 5 1/2 stone award (6 in total) but that would mean losing another 5 1/2lbs.  A tough ask - but let's go for it!!


  1. Wow!
    Well done, shows it can be done if you are disciplined.
    So the next goal shouldn’t be difficult,
    Good luck.
