Saturday, 27 June 2015

Quilt with friends

I was accused, today, of posting around 5pm and never saying what I had got up to in the evening.  Truthfully there's no fun simply saying that  I had watched tv every day but I will make an exception today.  Last night was the monthly meeting of North Somercotes Book Club and we both enjoyed a meal and had a lively discussion.  The book had the holocaust at the centre of the story and was a harrowing read - but it lead to a lengthy discussion.  The book club even won the quiz (well joint winners - we were pipped at the post by the tie break question - How long is the river Thames ?   Answer is at the end of the blog).  My RAK last night was to give Wendy a pack of fabric - when we arrived home she had lost it so we had to make an emergency dash back to the pub - only to find that it was on the floor of the car - duh!!

Today was a quilting day - and with a drive like this to get through first - the day promised, and delivered much.  We are a group of likeminded women who have been sewing together long enough to call ourselves friends and able to pull each others legs.  I managed to resist the temptation of cake - but the evidence was "cakebombed!"  Our current project is a quilt block per month.  We all have different colour themes but I am theming my block to the month - hence tennis and strawberries for June.  When the quilt is finished we will have to play guess the month!  Today's RAK was to give Ev the collapsible thread catcher that she wanted - she was over the moon.  Terry had asked for fabric but I pointed out that asking was not then Random - I gave her some patterns instead!

The discussion at lunchtime led to this blog, and to the weekly challenges.  Before lunch was finished more challenges were added and may be seen at the end of June when I report on the challenge update.  Terry had bought a book that I know Wendy also has.  We have agreed to make everything in the book (apart from the punch projects) by the end of 2020 - care to join us Wendy?

After returning home, writing the blog, feeding the dogs and having tea it was then time to turn around and head into Louth.  I help out once a month at the Riverhead Theatre - selling ice creams etc.  I like to think that its my community service!

By the way the length of the Thames is 215 miles - I was astonished about how long it was - we only guessed 50!!


  1. Wow, what a busy and interesting day! Loving the look of all the quilting, you clever lot!
    I thought of a challenge the other day but forgot to post was to use at least one recipe from every cook book you own before the year is out.
    I have started the challenge myself, having given to charity about two bags of recipe books I had never used and knew I never would, I streamlined my collection to just one shelf, believing those I kept were ones I was actually inspired to try or used regularly.

    1. Thank you - I will readily accept the challenge since I, too, have culled some books!
      The other challenges - for the record, suggested today were:-

      Plant a herb garden (thought by the back door / new seating area?)
      Finsh the Mandy Shaw Needlecase
      Make a knitted garment for the prem baby unit
      Make something for a Macmillan coffee morning (craft not baking)
      Make something for the Linus Project
      Learn a new craft
      Walk a half marathon in a week
      Investigate joining the Louth U3age

      People sure want to keep me busy!!

  2. It's a peg bag
