Next stop was Waitrose -Mum had some money off vouchers so it seemed rude not to. I was particularly taken with their melting sprout dessert but the use by date wouldn't allow us to treat everyone for Christmas -ah well, money saved then!
We did, however, indulge in a waitrose lunch (bacon roll for me and a very naughty quarter of Mum's apricot tart for afters!)
On the way home we stopped off at Trotters Trading -where Mum was walking around with a big grin on her face. We had actually stopped off to look at carpets for the lodge - they are going back once they have measured up but Mum was really impressed with the place (Phil - you would love it!)
Home, and tired, I have put the shopping away, put the shepherds pie in to heat up and fed the dogs. I have a two hour turn around period before going out again to the WI craft evening. It's been a busy day, but a good one - roll on Christmas!
What a lovely day...and not a stitch in sight!