Meanwhile I was sleeping in a kitchen ante room - with my two dogs. When I heard that my cousin's husband, with his hacking cough, was due to sleep outside, I relented and came home for the night - it made more senses that everyone was warm now doesn't it?
Yesterday the festivities ended with a meal around at another brother's. His whole family had laid on a feast and we had a great time playing "Linkee" in between the courses! It was lovely to see so many there!
So, now it's back to normality - I have been shopping at Tesco's today (chicken thighs bargain - £3.50 down to 88p - three packs bought!!) and dropped some shopping off at Mum's on my way back through. The house has been sorted from how I left it and the big decoration removal starts tomorrow. In terms of New Year's Resolutions, I like the idea of saying what you want to achieve by the end of the year. There again - you know mine - to "climb Mount Everest" and to lose weight (reaching a total of 10 stone would be fab!!).
Meanwhile I now need to sit down and draw up my list of presents to make and give next year - only 358 days to go!! This afternoon has been spent starting on present 1 - whilst watching a re-run of Bedknobs and Broomsticks - I was only 11 when I saw that at the cinema!!
We were all thoroughly spoilt weren't we, and so good to see so many family members. Thank you again for being a knightess in shining armour and letting Hubby keep his bed!