This morning I had to face storm Caroline (its windy and rainy here so no real change!) to pop into Louth and visit the mobile breast screening unit. Not my favourite task - but one that I believe to be essential. Whilst I was there I took the opportunity to buy some more Christmas cards for the box making session at the WI tonight - the cheaper the better as they are easier to fold. I also posted some Christmas parcels - I can't believe how time is racing away!
Back home, and with WI on my mind, it was wrapping the WI gifts (we have 6 members with birthdays in December!), sorting the raffle prizes and getting my contribution for the supper ready (Smoked salmon pate with melba toast).
With sellotape and paper out, I also took the opportunity for more present wrapping - well, it would be wrong to waste a warm afternoon inside now wouldn't it? I do have another two episodes of The White Princess to catch up on you know!
I even managed to sew the patchwork part of the first block from this year's Block of the month (if I told you that we have just been sent block 9 and this is block one, you will have an idea of how far behind I am!)
Ooo how exciting to win a prize!