After a fair night's sleep (that's newsworthy in itself - I haven't been sleeping well recently), I woke up to a Facebook message from Sewingbuddy inviting me to check out some fabric on fabric guild. One phone call later and an order was placed!! Like I haven't got enough fabric as it is!! Ah well - it's obviously not the right fabric!
This morning started with a quick visit to the doctors for a blood test to check out my kidney function (I only have one so they like to check up every year) and a flu jab. I have an appointment with the doctor next Friday to check out the results. On the way home, I popped into the village vegetable shop where I noticed that they have just stared serving produce from a Louth bakery - Lakings. Cue an order for our Christmas day sausage rolls!

Back home and I had scheduled today for Christmas present sorting and wrapping. In reality that meant that I tidied the house up and hoovered around, clear the fire place out and, after lunch, lit a new fire, pop "White Christmas" on the TV and start wrapping - it's a tradition I just have to do every year!! This year the family theme is "Shoe boxes" but, ever one to mix things up, I wrapped three of the gifts in the shoe box, then the shoe box itself and then added some decor. Let's just say that, after a two hour film, I have managed two of the boxes and three smaller gifts (one of which should have been in the box but "fell out" and wasn't found until the box was wrapped). Ah well, that's an excuse for another afternoon film tomorrow then! I also sorted out my cracker (family members will understand that reference) so things are ready to be transported up to Mum and Dad's.
In between there was obviously dogs to be walked, local Christmas cards to be delivered, a craft room table to rediscover etc but it really feels good to have made a start on the wrapping marathon.
Sounds like a lovely day...blood test aside!