Last night saw 1 am come and go -again -but then I woke up at 9am - go figure!! I think that part of the problem was that I fell asleep on the sofa early evening -for over an hour - note to self, don't do that tonight! Anyway it's the Strictly final so I can't fall asleep in that now can i?

I had a nice text from Wendy last night, with an impromptu plan to meet up for coffee and a cake (yes I had a cake after all - it's about time and who could resist a cheddar and stilton homemade scone?) so that we can exchange presents. So, this morning has been getting on with tasks such as more present wrapping and preparing for a day at Scamblesby tomorrow - I say day but, in reality, its a morning, followed by lunch. I am leaving early to come home for the church Carol Service at 4pm tomorrow.
I also decided to clean out (completely) the handheld dyson - to my shame it hadn't been taken apart since June, when Mum did it!! I think that it needed it - don't you?
Once back from a very leisurely, two coffee, chat and catch up with Wendy it was back to present wrapping, fire lighting and generally getting ready for an evening of Strictly - now, who does everyone want to win then? My vote goes to Joe at the moment but let's see how the show dances go!
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