Next up was some booking of tickets. When we were at Leeds on Wednesday, we noticed that the show next year was Jersey Boys - one of my favourites and one which Julia and Trisha wanted to see -so, this morning, I booked us in. Now, there's nothing like being organised is there!!
After some dishwasher loading etc, the main event of the day was to get the house trimmed up. Now my decorations are an eclectic mix and ones that bring back memories - but the house will never win a prize in "House and Gardens! However I enjoy the Anni Downs quilt that only comes out in December, the wall hanging that we did at the Textile Group (but meant that I had to saw a piece of dowling to hang it) and even the flashing lights going up the stairs.
The task was made easier by a welcome visit from Wendy to pick up a sewing book (one of those post Harrogate Show purchases I talked about!). The coffee break helped flagging energies and gave the dogs a chance to play. Daisy loves her Auntie Wendy - Wendy held her nearly two years ago as we brought her home as a young pup.
The two Christmas presents were then worked on - we are at the stage with both of them that there is machine work followed by hand sewing (followed by more machine work) - so my task today was to get both of them to the stage that I could do the hand sewing in front of the tv tonight. I also have a couple of hand sewn projects that need some borders etc - they aren't necessarily for presents but because I like the design and wanted some hand stitching. They will probably end up as stocking fillers!
All of this "ladylike" sewing was actually avoidance techniques - there were three quite large weeds growing in the gutter above the conservatory door and which drip on me when it rains - today was the day that I actually tackled the job - yet again only minutes work - why do I keep putting them off? I also spent some time in the garden with some general maintenance work - I say "time" - more like 10 mins but, hey, "every little helps" - right?
Lastly, I tackled the Christmas card writing - well, the ones that need to be posted at least. I don't know about you but the cost of posting cards has risen so much - yet, I must confess, I do enjoy getting a card in the post rather than the usual bills etc. Consequently the amount of cards I send has fallen over the years but I haven't resorted to not sending any quite yet(our village magazine was full of Christmas messages that people wanted to send and promised to make a donation to charity instead of buying cards).
So, my list of jobs is complete, the fire is lit and the piles of sewing arranged - bring on Strictly - its musicals week!!!
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