Today has been a simple day really - a church meeting that went on beyond the self imposed deadline (I set my phone to go off but we carried on talking for half an hour after that!) - followed by some hoovering (I REALLY need to hire the carpet cleaner - note to self, a bag of potatoes is not economical when Millie just helps herself and leaves dirt on the carpet) and some tidying of the craft room. I have a totally free weekend lying ahead of me and so want to get the sewing class table runner top finished and then layered up - ready to quilt at the class on Tuesday. I am out at the book club tonight and, I don't know about you, I find such days feel as if you are "waiting around" until its time to get ready.
Meanwhile a little treat landed into my lap - the latest CD from Michael Ball (swoon) and Alfie Boe. I was in two minds as to whether to get this CD - until I saw that they were singing "Bring Me Sunshine" - so how could I resist? In fact as I write this post, the CD has reached the last song - "White Christmas" with Bing Crosby -it's my tradition to watch "White Christmas" as I wrap presents every year - I could probably say the script off by heart - and still tear up at the moving moments - lol!!
My only other achievement is to complete the second WI Poppy Wreath - we had so many poppies made this year! Last year we were advised not to leave the wreath out as it may get ruined / stolen. This time, having two wreaths, we can place one in the church on the Soldier Chapel and leave one outside.
You and your lists! Lovely wreath :)