It's not often that you get what you wish for is it? However I woke up to a day full of nothing - AND the sun was shining - result! After three busy days spent predominantly out of the house, it was a day to catch up with chores that desperately needed doing.
First up was the craft room - I have a sign which says "A clean and tidy house is a sign of a broken sewing machine" - well, even I couldn't go on any longer without sorting the sewing room mess and sweeping the floor - it was full of Daisy's "trophies" - wrappers etc that she manages to find! Sadly, the empty and clean look makes me happy - but doesn't last long! It's also pay day today (why do i still call my pension pay?) and so time to stock up with some "weaveline" - backing for my embroideries. I am running low and tend to buy a few metres at a time since I go through it like a dose of salts!

Next up was a general tidy around before taking advantage of the nice weather and taking the dogs for a long walk up at the beach. Of course the car had to be emptied before we set off - the machine has spent the last three days in the car! Lunch then followed - some left over rice (don't worry I have refrigerated it) from last night, peas and tinned salmon - sounds strange but nice and slimming world friendly - although no "speed foods" just in case the sw police are out. Tea tonight will be mushroom risotto so that will be full of speed foods. I do, however, find that rice absorbs water in my body and therefore have it as far away from weigh in as possible! I know, you didn't need to know that info but others may be suffering the same! I even managed to start this lovely Jane Austen jigsaw that Julia has lent me!

With the weather holding out, and you may need to sit down for this piece of info, I then went outside and continued with the fence painting. Although some people have complimented me on the colour of the fence, I do sense that they are fed up of coming around the bend and finding the fence not finished. With the weather starting to draw in, I really need to complete this task before the temperature drops below that recommended on the tin (10 degrees). Mind you - I have now got to the bit still covered in Ivy so there's some gardening to do before I can continue.

Feeling as if I had accomplished something today, I was then tempted to sit back and start some sewing - but the long jungle called a lawn called to me - so the lawn was mowed within an inch of its life! When will it stop growing - please?
So now we are back on familiar territory and I started to sew some more blocks for my Tuesday night class - I am 12 down, with 4 left to go before next Tuesday so am on track. Phew - now that's some tasks ticked off my ipad's "Wunderlist".!! Thank goodness that I can relax in front of Bake Off tonight - and then get stressed out again by Dr Foster!
Just get your dad round, he'll sort your ivy out!