First up was the final Christmas present to be sorted (well, the final one to be started at least!). Collecting everything together I have all the resources and just need two spools of thread!
Then I started on the individual blocks from Lynette Anderson's Block of the Month for 2017. I have started the embroidery for some of them but didn't attempt the patchwork parts of each block since I was still completing the 2016 project. Now seems right to make a start. Again I have everything - just need some thread and to remember some essential tools.
So that's block 1
block 2
and block 4 sorted!
That just leaves me with the Scamblesby Quilt to sort out. Taking too much did i hear you say - NEVER!! I would hate to run out of things to do! Mind you - I have a prioritised list so will focus when I get there - and at least I have sorted out the "kits" to do at home. Well, that's the plan at any rate he he!
PS - the sun did come out to play - briefly -and so I mowed the lawn. Whilst I was mowing, inspiration struck and I came inside - to find the lost resources. I guess that's my next job - but problem solved at least
Always good to find something you have put in a "safe place" isn't it! Just love how organised you are with all your kits :)