By now it was heading towards 10:30am and time for the hairdressers - my excuse to sit and be pampered - whilst being brought cups of coffee and biscuits! Someone had left some goodies for them to sell in aid of Macmillian - just right for a couple of Christmas gifts - so I bought a couple.
After stopping off at Mum's to deliver her pressie - she said that I had made her morning (it was 1:30 but who's counting?) it was then back home to unload the shopping and have lunch. I am doing the quiz tonight and therefore there was some finishing off to be done -as well as wrapping the winning prize / wrapping the birthday gifts and sorting out the raffle prizes! This WI is becoming a full time job!!
Dogs walked, I could then, finally, chill for a little while - by colouring in! Courtesy of Sewingbuddy, I was trying a technique where you colour in an area of fabric and then "set" it with pure Aloe Vera Gel - in my case these are the before and after pictures of the Christmas tree stumps from my Textile group block - its quite an effective technique.
By the way - I have just come across this advert for Warburton's bread -enjoy!!
Lol, very good (the advert) Cx