So, let's start with last night. We had a lovely book club meal - with this SW summer pudding especially made for us, along with syn values - and then stayed for the quiz. We managed a very respectable score of 51 with the winning team getting 54 points - not too bad eh?
Today I was up and out early to nip through to the supermarket. I had wanted this week to be a "use it up" week - but I have to make something for the WI meeting on Thursday, make savoury scones for the WI competition and buy prizes for the WI raffle. I also decided to make a SW Christmas pudding and, since it takes around 7 hours to steam, thought that I would get the ingredients, soak the fruit overnight tonight and then cook it tomorrow since I am in all day. I am hoping that the smells will make the house seem all Christmassy!!
Back home, and with dogs walked and shopping put away, I decided to tackle the pumpkin that I brought home from SW this week. For lunch I decided to make pumpkin and bacon soup (I would add that I altered this slightly to make it SW friendly but have given you a link to the recipe in case you want to try it - it is by Tom Kerridge after all!)and then cook some more pumpkin tonight and bake in a "custard" with cinnamon and sweetener for a dessert. I would have said that I didn't like pumpkin - but the soup was wonderful - so, maybe, just maybe (on this rare occasion) I was wrong!
Being out last night meant that I had a lot of tv to catch up on. So, this afternoon, it was catch up tv, accompanied by the sound of the sewing machine tackling the much mentioned table runner. I am really pleased to see it get to the quilting stage so that I can put it away until Tuesday night - another job ticked off!
With a beef casserole simmering in the oven, the pumpkin pudding ready to cook and Strictly's Halloween on tonight - it's going to be a good evening!
Never say you don't like something until you have tried it....a few times at least!